Category Blog

P2P IP Camera

P2P IP Cameras: Overview and Advantages

IP security cameras represented a great technological advance when they first appeared on the market, since allowing us to remotely monitor our homes, offices, or any facility, over the Internet. Initially, these cameras were quite expensive, so their consumption was…


What is P2P VPN: Defintion and Advantages​

Nowadays, data exchange has become commonplace. Several online solutions are available to facilitate these daily actions. However, this revolution has also raised concerns in terms of security and privacy. This is where Peer-to-Peer VPN (P2P) comes in, bringing an innovative…

Types and differences between P2P Networks

Today’s society needs an abundant exchange of information to develop most activities or work. For example, companies, especially multinationals, distribute their projects among the many headquarters they have worldwide; this means that communication and information exchange must exist between the…